Wikis. Taking stock of a research field and outlining an integrative analytical framework.
Wikis. Taking stock of a research field and outlining an integrative analytical framework. Pentzold, C., Seidenglanz, S., Fraas, C. & Ohler, P. (2007). Wikis. Bestandsaufnahme eines Forschungsfeldes und Skizzierung eines integrativen Analyserahmens. Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 55(1), 61-79. Wikis as social software and a form of network-based collaborative work mark a decisive step in the recent […]
Synergy effects of entertainment and information programs about organ donation on issue involvement and altruistic responses
Synergy effects of entertainment and information programs about organ donation on issue involvement and altruistic responses Bartsch, A., & Angerer, L. (2021). Synergy effects of entertainment and information programs about organ donation on issue involvement and altruistic responses. Studies in Communication and Media, 10(1), 31-47. This study examines synergy effects of entertainment and information programs […]
Data Capitalism
Christoph Lutz, Christian P. Hoffmann & Giulia Ranzini
Data capitalism and the user: An exploration of privacy cynicism in Germany.
Synergy effects
Anne Bartsch & Lukas A. Angerer
Synergy effects of entertainment and information programs about organ donation on issue involvement and altruistic responses.
En animi aut qui Eng
Error aut nobis optio cumque sed minus. Accusantium porro tempora placeat autem. Autem voluptas dicta totam non omnis repellat maxime qui Magni rerum sed et et error corporis optio. Quasi quisquam odio at harum pariatur at ut. Reprehenderit optio eos voluptate dolorem sint modi architecto Dolores id enim incidunt Expedita veniam voluptas iusto Molestiae voluptas […]