
November 26, 2024

Call for Papers: Special Issue on „The age of synthetic media“

Submissions for a Special Issue of the journal Studies in Communication and Media are now open.

May 27, 2024

New project initiated: Epistemic Authority in the Digital Public Sphere

New project initiated: Epistemic Authority in the Digital Public Sphere This project examines the role of epistemic authorities in the digital age. Epistemic authorities are persons, institutions, or technologies to whom people attribute advanced competence and reliability as knowledge sources. In addition to traditional epistemic authorities such as science, journalism, and professional experts, new epistemic […]

May 22, 2023

New project launched:

New project launched: The project serves to build a relational platform for city publics that is available throughout Germany. This platform is intended to address people who are no longer or insufficiently reached by the classic local journalistic offerings (including young people or people with low incomes). Due to the increasing economic crisis […]

July 5, 2022

Digital Media and Society Fellowship Programme launched

Digital Media and Society Fellowship Programme welcomes first guest, Eedan Amit-Danhi

July 4, 2022

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Digital Resignation

Submissions for a Special Issue of the journal Big Data & Society are now open.

May 4, 2022

Project “Audiovisual media content based on artificial intelligence” launched

Project “Audiovisual media content based on artificial intelligence” launched Deepfakes are (audio-)visual recordings manipulated with the help of artificial intelligence that make it possible to represent a person in any situation and environment imaginable and to use existing recordings of a person’s voice to make them say any sentence. The rapid advance of this technology […]

February 9, 2022

New standard work on free participatory cooperation published on the web

New standard work on free participatory cooperation published on the web The Internet has enabled millions of people to be collectively creative and in this way produce free cultural and information goods, such as computer programs, encyclopedia articles, or film and television databases. The Handbook of Peer Production outlines key concepts, examines current and emerging […]

January 25, 2022

Project “futurehomestories” launched

Project “futurehomestories” launched How can people use co-creation methods to tell stories about how they want to live with technology in their homes in the future? In order to be able to answer this question, we would like to invite people from the population to co-creation workshops so that they can actively contribute their ideas […]